Hotelschool Den Haag werft Hongaarse studenten

Op dit moment studeren al Hongaarse jongeren aan de HTH, sommigen zijn net begonnen en anderen al bijna afgestudeerd. Op de Educatio 2012 was het ook opvallend druk rond de stand, want steeds meer Hongaarse jongeren willen blijkbaar in het buitenland gaan studeren.
Op 17 maart vinden in het InterContinental Budapest de selectiegesprekken plaats met studenten die zich al hebben ingeschreven, maar tussen 13.30 en 15.00 uur is er ook een open informatiebijeenkomst. Entrée is gratis en iedereen is welkom. De voertaal is Engels.
Hotelschool The Hague invites Hungarian students
Participating in Educatio 2012 in Budapest last January has been successful! It was good to see that a large number of students from Hungary are interested in a Bachelor Degree in Business Administration and Hospitality Management.
The number of Hungarian students is increasing rapidly, and therefore we are pleased to organize a selection in the lnterContinental Budapest (Address: Apáczai Csere J. u. 12-14 Budapest / H-1052) For this selection procedure the candidates normally have to come to The Netherlands. However, because of the large number of interested students from Hungary, we shall organize a selection day in Budapest.
For those who have not yet decided about a next study, we will organize an information session. This session includes a presentation, a video and question- and answer time. Some of our Hungarian students plus several former students will be there as well. The information session at InterContinental starts at 13.30, and it will end around 15.00. The information session is free of costs. Everybody is welcome to attend!
Why is Hotelschool The Hague so special?
Because a degree from Hotelschool The Hague provides you with a passport to the world! As many of our former students occupy top positions in the world of international business, especially in the hospitality industry, the Hotelschool has excellent ties with the business community, giving its students access to a global network of more than 250 renowned practical training companies. Guest speakers from the hospitality industry frequently visit us to share their knowledge with our students, they believe in our school and offer extensive opportunities within their businesses. Hotelschool The Hague offers its students an excellent combination of theory and practice.
Hotelschool The Hague is a small-scale university where everyone knows everyone else. We have two practically identical branches, one in Amsterdam, and one in The Hague. The unique educational concept at the Hotelschool, which we call 'entrepreneurial learning', offers you from the start the opportunity of working individually as well as in small groups, allowing you to determine your own learning path. Furthermore, this learning system stimulates the use of state-of-the-art information technology. It also helps you to develop your independence as well as your management skills. After all, the Hotelschool is first and foremost a business school, training students to fulfill positions at management level.
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>>>> | Hotelschool The Hague |
>>>> | Selection Days, application form |
>>>> | Contact: Ms. A. Romijn |
>>>> | E-mail: |