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Schmitt treedt af, maar zette eerst Orbán onder druk

Maandag 2 april 2012 - Vanmiddag is de Hongaarse president Pál Schmitt toch afgetreden. Hij maakte dat bekend tijdens een zitting van het parlement. De hele ochtend was de Fidesz fractie al bij elkaar geweest om te overleggen over Schmitt, die vrijdagavond nog op tv liet weten niet te zullen aftreden. Parlementsvoorzitter László Kövér neemt voorlopig de functie over.

Vrijdagavond werd in een 'exclusief' tv interview duidelijk dat president Pál Schmitt niet af zal treden. Maar er blijken overdag meerdere versies van dit interview gemaakt te zijn, pas op het laatste moment is besloten welke versie moest worden uitgezonden.

Uit onderstaande Engelstalige tekst die we op de redactie van Hongarije Vandaag dit weekend binnenkregen van een Hongaarse journaliste die niet met naam genoemd wil worden, blijkt dat Schmitt premier Orbán zwaar onder druk heeft gezet om aan te kunnen blijven. Schmitt weet te veel over zaken die niet naar buiten mogen komen, ook over persoonlijke zaken.

De medewerkers van de publieke zender MTV hebben tot vrijdagavond met de drie verschillende opnamebanden zitten wachten tot het moment van uitzending. Een op donderdag gemaakt nieuwsbulletin over Schmitt, dat die avond uitgezonden zou moeten worden, werd uiteindelijk toch niet uitgezonden. Bij MTV waren ze ook al op de hoogte dat Schmitt af zou treden, een nieuwsbulletin daarover was voor vanavond al gepland.

How the president blackmailed the prime minister


'At 7 pm Friday night there were 3 tapes on the desk of the news programming manager of Hungary's national television MTV. By then he knew, that most likely he'll use the top one, the exclusive interview of the president after the evening news. But he was not sure, as the entire Hungarian population was at loss, guessing, whether president Pál Schmitt would resign over his plagiarism issues.

'It was a though match' said the president's ex-girlfriend in the newsroom, referring to the intense argument that took place between prime minister Viktor Orbán and the president the night before. 'He called me afterwards and told me, he was sitting there stiff whilst telling Orbán his reasons for wanting to stay in the presidential position. Orbán was as upset at the loss of face the country is going through because of Schmitt as his party members and as the opposition parties as well. But then Schmitt told him that if he were to go, he would spill all the beans. He knows just too much, even personal stuff, therefore Orbán gave him two days to do whatever he can and wants to, in order to save his personal pride as least".

Hungarian Television broadcasted a 15 minutes long interview with the president Friday at 8 pm. In that president Pál Schmitt did not just refuse to step down from the presidency, but also stated that he did not find the defamation he had to endure from university intellectuals a respectable stand to take.

'Thursday afternoon a special news bulletin was made, that is a political necrolog for the president. It is the length of a normal news program, with reports that pay a tribute to Schmitt's carreer and achievements. We were supposed to air it Thursday night, but just a few minutes before the expected airing time the program managers were called to cancel the plan, as Orbán struck a deal with Schmitt. But we were also told to keep the tape at hand, as it is not yet certain that we should entirely forget about it', said a cutting editor, who has worked over three hours on the tape that so far has not made it to the air.

'It is pure insanity, how one man is pulling the strings of virtually an entire nation' said the foreign news editor in the news department Friday evening, when she learned that several politicians, including Hungarian party leaders in neighbouring countries, like Romania and Slovakia, had to change their plans several times during the day depending on how the argument stood between Orbán and Schmitt at the time.

Unnamed members of the governing Fidesz- Christian Democratic parties confirmed, that in fact their communications offices had three different versions of reactions ready for the upcoming days. One about the resignation of the president, one about the president staying in power and one about the president asking for time. It has also been confirmed, that during Thursdays' debate and even Friday up til lunchtime it has changed several times, which one would be made public. Neither the MPs asked dared to have their names be published with their comment. They have provided a common reason for their reluctance to speak up: it is the matter between the president and the prime minister. Whichever can pull the stronger strings, will win the match.

As far as the programming manager at MTV has reluctantly admitted, the special bulletin about Schmitt's resignation will air Monday night. He refused to comment though what is on the third tape.'

Naam van de journaliste bekend bij de redactie. Zij heeft via Nederlandse contacten ons gevraagd het te publiceren.

>>>> Xpatloop - International Press Headlines About Hungary's President Schmitt Resigning

>>>> Voor Hongaarstaligen: op ATV is een overzicht van minuut tot minuut te zien van hoe de zitting in het parlement verliep.

>>>> Bericht donderdag 5 april 2012 Hongarije Vandaag weer in de lucht

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